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Castles of Sada

Estuary of Betanzos

Once you arrive at the fishing port of Fontán, you have to go up to the neighbourhood of the same name to find the remains of the old castle of Fontán, which, together with the neighbouring Corbeiroa (also disappeared) defended the entrance to this productive and strategic estuary.

In the 17th and 18th century Sada was already an important fishing port in the Gulf of Ártabro. There was also an important sardine salting industry together with textile factories of various types, including one for canvas and rigging that supplied cloth and ropes to the Royal Navy, for which it received numerous privileges from King Charles II. Two bastions were built to guarantee the security of this framework, which later became part of the emblem or coat of arms of the town.

Natural watchtowers. Although only the ruins of both castles remain, the views of the estuary of Betanzos from Sada are still spectacular both from the top of Fontán Point (north) and Corbeiroa (south).